More Vitamins D for Kids

Doctors are now recommending that children get double the current vitamin D dosage of 200 IU. Now researchers believe that children should be getting 400 IU of vitamin D each day. The report also states that it most unlikely that children are getting enough vitamin D in their diet and would most likely need supplements to actually get the recommended dosage. Infants that do drink infant formulas should be getting enough vitamin D through the formulas. The report recommends that children not receiving at least 1000ml/day of vitamin D through formula or fortified milk; or 400 IU of vitamin D through other sources get a supplement.

People can get Vitamin D through the sun. The American milk supply is fortified with Vitamin D. Other natural sources of Vitamin D include salmon, mackerel, tuna, cod liver oil.

The report also recommended that obstetricians monitor the level of vitamin D in pregnant moms to make sure they had enough Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is necessary for the proper absorption of calcium and can help prevent osteoporosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer, and several autoimmune diseases.


American Academy of Pediatrics


Office of Dietary Supplements

Tampa Parent
Author: Tampa Parent

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