GPS track your kids, using a cell phone

The government officials aren’t the only ones the can track its citizens.  With GPS enabled cell-phones parents are able to track the location of their children. Several cell phone companies now offer tracking of a child cell phone.

Using the internet parents can log-on at find the location of their child.  Some of these new electonic  “big Brothers”  send parents a message when the cell phone is in a certain location.

NOTE: Of course these gadgets do not substitute for regular parental attention.  All new technology should be used in conjuction with parental involment(My two cents).

Tampa Parent
Author: Tampa Parent

1 Comment

  1. My brother and sisters were just talking about this over Christmas break. We remembered that when we were kids, we would leave in the morning and come back when the street lights came on at night. Our parents basically knew where we were, (i.e. somewhere withing a couple square miles). Sticking a GPS on a kid 24/7 is a little weird to say the least. There is a certain amount of trust that kids need to develop. Being tied to a GPS is a like George Orwell’s 1984. Too much over parenting is not good.

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